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5 Reasons Why You Should Convert Your HTML Site to WordPress

5 Reasons Why You Should Convert Your HTML Site to WordPress

Having an online presence for your brand has its share of incentives. And if you are already running an HTML website, you have already made your first move.

However, the decision to stick with HTML is something that won't pitch you well enough for gaining the leverage you have been striving for through your presence on the Internet. HTML binds you in may respects and thus, the experienced webmasters as well as the novices are beginning to lean towards converting their HTML sites into more customizable and dynamic websites. And this is where Content Management Systems come into the fray.

As and when an individual decides to have a website of his own, choosing the most ideal content management system is consideration that takes precedence over everything else. And when it comes to that, you are greeted with a whole ensemble of options. But, let's say it without masking: Despite the stiff competition from CMSes like Joomla, Drupal, etc. Wordpress emerges to be the choicest CMS out there.

But, going back to the HTML websites, if you are one of those webmasters who still isn't convinced enough to make a switch from HTML to Wordpress, here are some bonafide reasons for your consideration

Your Static HTML Site Gets a Dynamic Wordpress Makeover

HTML Site Gets a Dynamic Wordpress Makeover

It's understood that you must have invested quite a bit of effort into developing that HTML website, but with the end-user becoming more and more tech-savvy, your efforts aren't bringing in the expected results since your website doesn't give you the free rein to be creative and play around with it. When you are aiming to build a website that needs constant updating of content, the HTML website won't serve the purpose. Websites made on Wordpress can be updated with new content as many times a day as you want. The website structure with HTML is rigid, and does not leave room for changes. Also, the URL's on the Wordpress website can be easily tailored for optimizing the site for SEO and you don't have to deal with the gibberish URLs for your website's pages and posts.

You can Seamlessly Tweak Wordpress Website's Design

Customization capability is of utmost importance in today's dynamic digital age. Any portal needs constant reinventions and updates to keep the users interested. If you stick with the same design and layout, you might as well start losing your loyal visitors to the competition. Wordpress gives you incredible freedom to tailor the website as and when you want. The multifarious themes of Wordpress provide you with a range that leaves you spoilt for choices. New Wordpress templates are developed every day and every once in a while when you decide your site neds a makeover, you can have your options.

No complicated Editing Programs to Deal With

No complicated Editing Programs to Deal With

One of the major challenges faced by the webmasters who run an HTML-enabled website is that they need to be expert at the editing programs of the likes of Dream Weaver. It is rather an unwieldy tool that requires investment of a lot of efforts and time to get used to. And with any HTML site, it has to be used quite too often. But Wordpress, with its suite of capabilities and a very straightforward tool for publishing content and images makes it remarkably easy to modify, add, delete or make any other tweaks to the content. Particularly when you are running a blog that needs to be updated with content every day, Wordpress offers an excellent alternative.

Versatility and Responsiveness Can be Seamlessly Combined with Wordpress

While on one hand, Wordpress makes it a breeze to develop dynamic and versatile websites that give them the wherewithal to achieve uninhibited level of funtionality, this CMS also doesn't interfere with the responsiveness and compatibility of the website over different browsers and operating systems.

The WordPress Plugins for Extended Functionality

Another remarkably useful feature of Wordpress websites is that it allows us to add advanced features to websites without having to write separate codes for them. These plugins are available for everything – be it for SEO, or for changing the designs or for increasing website speed, etc.

It is a proven fact that Wordpress gives you an absolute free rein over how you wish to structure your website. Get your HTML site converted to Wordpress and avail the freedom and the accompanying benefits.

Author Bio:

Sarah Parker is a HTML to Wordpress techie and always looking for new tips and tricks possible to make functionality of WordPress more efficient. Currently, she is working in Designs2HTML Ltd., as a WordPress developer and socialize aspects related to same on Facebook and Twitter.

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