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Making E-mail As Secure As Possible

It can be all too easy for businesses to downplay the importance of security when it comes to e-mail. Many people wrongly assume that the products available on the e-mail encryption market are vastly unnecessary and simply tools for the companies that sell them to make money whilst capitalising on people’s fears. However, many businesses have become unstuck after underestimating the security concerns attached to e-mail.

Staying Up To Date with Threats

With every new development in the online world comes another series of risks that can be exceptionally damaging. E-mail encryption plays a pivotal role in protecting businesses from the activities of criminals and others into whose hands information can fall all too easily. The information that is included in e-mails can be of a highly-sensitive nature, and can result in huge security breaches taking place. Encryption can protect everything from business plans to employee bank details from being used by outside sources. It is as necessary and as useful for private individuals as it is for companies small and large.

Reputable Software

Identity thieves have been known to intercept millions of e-mails in the past, using information such as insurance details and social security numbers for their own illegal means. Even Government departments have come under fire in the past after not taking advantage of the tools available to them to prevent interception from taking place. It’s important for businesses to always stay one step ahead of criminals, by choosing the most reputable companies and software possible for protecting the content found in e-mails. It’s also essential that quality is not compromised when it comes to finding the most reliable sources possible. Companies should never opt for a low-cost service just to save capital, or the results could be disastrous. No confidential information or indeed anything that you don’t want others to see should be sent in an unencrypted e-mail.

Eliminate the Risks

There’s no real denying that e-mail isn’t a risky way to do business, but if there are no realistic alternatives available, you should ensure that you achieve the highest level of security possible. Ways of keeping e-mail activity secure include using personal e-mail certificates to prove that you are who you say you are when communicating with others and asking others to do the same. Spam and malware have regularly been sent out to contacts without the consent or even knowledge of e-mail account owners, but if your contacts know that you only ever send e-mail with a security certificate attached, they will be unlikely to open any e-mail that doesn’t feature a certificate, leaving them protected from harm.

Author Bio:
Egress Software Technologies offer a simple to use email encryption product. You can also find out more about their service for secure large file transfer at www.egress.com/solutions-large-file-transfer

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