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The Changing Face of Blogging

Do you know where the terms "blog" and "blogging" actually originate? They are words that are the result of a condensed term - "web log". Put them together and you find the origin of blogs. When people first started blogging it was far different from what we see today, and most were not all that interested in doing much more than expressing an opinion. This quickly transitioned into project based blogs, such as the famous "Julie and Julia" blog in which a woman shared her experiences when trying to recreate all of the recipes in a single cookbook by Julia Childs.

The ability to monetize blogs was quickly discovered and today, people blog as a business, to sell things, promote ideas, earn a small stream of income, and to even do their online marketing and SEO work.

This tells us that a lot has changed about blogs, but one thing has been fairly consistent throughout the entire time period - and that is that WordPress has always been a very reliable platform for bloggers. Today, a blogger can sue WordPress and one of the many amazing WordPress templates to create a blog of any kind, and with any purpose.

Further Evolutionary Processes:

What most people do not realize when they make the choice to go with WordPress is that their site or blog is going to be "optimized" almost immediately. This is because WordPress doesn't demand that a blogger know anything about coding and HTML. Instead, most will fill in the forms used to populate the content on the blog.

If that last sentence was a bit too heavy on the "techno speak", let's rephrase it - WordPress is designed to be used as a sort of "fill in the blanks" product. You develop the blog or site by entering in text in areas designated has headings, subheadings, titles, text, and more (this fills or populates the screen with the data you want to share with the world). It even asks you to put titles and descriptions for things like videos or images - even though these things do not actually appear on the site.

Why is this required? WordPress, as indicated, is optimized. When you have a high tech website with lots of images and videos, it can actually cause that site or page to do badly in search engines because the "crawlers" don't know how to deal with the content. When there is text that describes the content, and uses well-chosen keywords to do so, it helps the site to appear higher and higher in search engines.

A Contemporary Example:

Consider the food based blog of the gluten free baker. This woman has a very image heavy website with lots of step by step instructions. This is not really a good way to get higher search engine results, but here WordPress theme allows her to enter descriptions for the images, titles, and more. This ensures that the search engines find and index the terms that will help this blog to go higher and higher in related search engine results.

Because this writer wants to monetize her site by linking to products related to her recipes and topics, it is imperative that people looking for things like gluten free foods and baking suppliers find this blog quickly in their search. Using WordPress really ensures that this blog does not get lost in the massive number of similar sites and blogs, and because the owner of the blog updates content on a weekly basis, and also uses social media to obtain inbound links (such as when someone shares a post on Facebook), the results are impressive.

All WordPress users can expect this sort of easy optimization and integration, and can turn to it for any kind of blogging message.

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