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Make Your Pictures To Appear On Google Earth At a Particular Location

Make Your Pictures To Appear On Google Earth At a Particular Location

            Hi Friends! Recently i added a Photo of my Home to Google Earth by making it to appear right above my Home in it. And i thought of sharring it with you too. You might have seen it in google earth, Many Institutions, Colleges, Banks, Hospitals, etc... are displaying the photo of their building on the Google Earth. Likewise You too can now display your own images on the Google Earth, Putting your pics on Google Earth is really easy and very rewarding when you see them displayed.

There are some basic rules to follow with the pic you are about to display:

  • No frames or mattes around your pics.
  • No advertising (obviously).
  • No signatures or text on your pics. But you can put discrete copyright info.
  • No pics of people or pets etc, unless they're relevant to the scene.

These are the main things people fall foul of because any of these will cause your pics to be rejected. However, once you abide by these rules, gaining acceptance is easy.

Here's what to do:

  1. Create an account with Panoramio. It's free and works pretty much like Flickr.
  2. Upload your pic.
  3. Map your pic. You do this by typing in the location and a map appears with a marker. You simply drag and drop marker where you took your pic.
  4. Give your pic a title and then press enter - -that's it!
  5. Your pic is evaluated after 24 hours in most cases and a symbol appears to denote that it's been accepted to Google Earth. 
  6. Updates to Google Earth take place a set times and is usually about 2 weeks after you've uploaded your pics.
  7. When you open Google Earth, go to your location and you'll see a little blue square denoting a picture. Click on your blue square and your pic opens together with your info and all of your other pics you've submitted.
  8. It feels very rewarding seeing your pics on GE and you can forward links to your friends.
  9. An added bonus is that other people open your pics and can make comments on them.

It's a great tool if you want to place some history around your home area and to post some pics of your travels around the world.

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